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Talking to your children about Coronavirus

We have all gone through a lot of change in a very short period of time.  While this change is challenging for us, we know it is also incredibly challenging for our children.  The National Association of School Psychologists has published a list of tips for having this conversation with your family in this time of uncertainty.

School Lunch Programs

Food insecurity in our communities is a major problem.  We are so thankful for the leadership from our local schools as they continue to provide meals to the growing number of families in need.  Below you should find your school district and what they are doing for your community. We will keep this page as updated as possible, but just in case, you can access your school’s lunch policy page by clicking the name of your district.


NOTE: From our understanding, federal policy requires students to be present to receive their meals.  It isn’t clear how strictly this policy will be enforced under the circumstances, but we want you to be aware that this may be the case.

Columbus City Schools

Click here for more information.


Dublin City Schools

We are still serving meals while school is closed, including spring break. ALL students can come pick up a FREE grab-and-go breakfast and lunch from either Riverside Elementary or Scioto High School from 9:00am - 2:00pm Monday-Friday


Riverside Elementary: 3260 Riverside Green Dr, Dublin, OH, 43017

Scioto High School: 4000 Hard Road, Dublin, OH, 43016


Hamilton Local Schools

As of 3/17, Hamilton Local Schools has ended the sign-up period for their “Grab and Go” food program.  We will be reaching out to urge them to extend the sign-up period. We will update this page as soon as we have more information.


Hilliard City Schools

Breakfast and Lunch

For Thursday and Friday of this week, all schools, except the Innovation Campus, will have grab & go breakfasts and lunches available for students to pick up between 10:00am – 1:00pm.


In addition to the buildings being open for grab & go lunches, on Thursday and Friday Transportation will deliver to the following areas between 11:00am – 12:00pm:


  • Hilliard Village Apartments

  • Pine Crossing Apartments

  • Wilson Court Apartments

  • Bayside & Countryview Apartments

  • Hilliard Station Apartments (in Lucky’s parking lot)

  • Hilliard Park Apartments

  • Country Ridge Apartments

  • Cabot Cove/Gable West Apartments (Kroger parking lot)


We will continue to evaluate both the building locations and transportation plan as the week progresses.


Jonathan Alder Local Schools

Student Meals

Waivers were acquired by the State for schools to serve meals during school closures as and if they are able and apply for the appropriate meal program. Jonathan Alder Food Services has taken the appropriate steps and at this time will be serving Grab-and-Go Meals (lunch and breakfast for the next day) from 11:00 am-1:00 pm on the following days:


Wednesday, March 18 - Friday, March 20

Monday, March 30 - Friday, April 3


These meals are FREE of charge and available to ALL students K-12 who attend Jonathan Alder Local Schools.


Pick-up locations at this time will be the parking lots of Plain City Elementary and Monroe Elementary on the above days, again from 11:00 am-1:00 pm.  Please pick-up meals daily from whichever location is most convenient for your family.


Message from Rebecca Rings, Food Services Director:

If you have any questions, please let me know I understand that this is all new to everyone and we are trying to stay as flexible while maintaining the integrity of the Food Service Program within the guidelines set forth by ODE and USDA. As more information becomes available, it will be shared with you.


Madison-Plains City Schools

(Last updated 3/18) Our staff will be working with Sufficient Grace on Friday morning to sort and deliver boxes. To our families that receive SG, you will receive food this Friday on the late morning or early afternoon.


The South-Western City School District

The South-Western City School District will be distributing food during the extended closure.  The meals will be "Grab-n-Go" style. Students will be able to pick up a lunch and a breakfast for the next morning.  Also, per federal regulations, children 18 and under must be in attendance in order to pick up food. Children may pick up food from any one of the sites listed below beginning March 23, Monday through Friday from 10:00 a.m. - noon.  This service will be suspended during our normally scheduled Spring Break of April 6-10. 


Upper Arlington City Schools

Lunch and breakfast service

Beginning Tuesday, March 24, we will provide boxed lunches (complete with a breakfast for the next day) to any school-aged child in need during school days. We’ll start out with the schedule below, but this could change as the situation develops.


  • Tremont Elementary School - 10:30 a.m. until 12:45 p.m.

  • Barrington Elementary School - 10:30 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.

  • Greensview Elementary School - 10:30 a.m. until 11:15 a.m.

  • Windermere Elementary School - noon until 12:45 p.m.

  • Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School - noon until 12:45 p.m.


Worthington Schools 

Starting Tuesday, March 17, Worthington Schools Food Service will be providing breakfast/lunch pick up at three locations on weekdays.

Families can pick up meals between 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the following locations:


Thomas Worthington High School

Worthington Kilbourne High School

Slate Hill Elementary


6891 Sparrow Lane

Columbus, OH 43235

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